Essential Oil Facts

Embarking on a journey through the world of essential oils is like uncovering nature's aromatic treasure chest. These concentrated plant extracts not only delight our senses but also offer a myriad of health benefits. 

Let's explore the fascinating world of essential oils, from extraction methods to their profound impact on well-being.


trio aromatherapy gift set


Extraction Methods

Essential oils are extracted from various parts of plants using methods such as steam distillation, cold-pressing, and solvent extraction. 

Each method preserves the unique aromatic compounds of the plant, creating oils with distinct scents and therapeutic properties.


Steam Distillation

- This common method involves passing steam through plant material to release essential oil.
- Ideal for delicate flowers and leaves, yielding pure, potent oils.



- Primarily used for citrus fruits, this method involves mechanically pressing the rinds to extract oil.

- Preserves the oil's freshness and maintains its vibrant scent.


Solvent Extraction

- Solvents dissolve essential oils from plant material, resulting in absolutes.

- Often used for delicate flowers, producing rich and aromatic oils.


How do Essential Oils Benefit our Health?

Inhalation is a primary way essential oils exert their effects on our wellbeing. 

When we inhale the aromatic molecules, they travel through the olfactory system and enter the bloodstream, influencing our physiological and emotional state.

This process, known as aromatherapy, is a powerful tool for promoting relaxation, relieving stress, and supporting overall health.

Inhalation Impact

- Aromatherapy through inhalation can positively affect mood, stress levels, and cognitive function.

- Essential oil molecules enter the bloodstream through the lungs, offering systemic benefits.


Most common Essential Oils and their Benefits

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

Calming, promotes sleep, soothes skin irritations.


Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

Invigorating, aids digestion, relieves headaches.


Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)

Antimicrobial, supports skin health, purifies the air.


Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)

Respiratory support, clears the mind, antiseptic.


Bergamot (Citrus bergamia)

Uplifting, relieves anxiety, promotes positive mood.


Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata)

Aphrodisiac, balances mood, supports hair and skin health.



Essential Oils and Moon Alchemy

At Moon Alchemy, we harness the potency of these essential oils to craft our artisan blends.

The carefully selected botanicals not only impart delightful scents but also contribute to your holistic wellbeing.

From the grounding notes of Patchouli to the uplifting aroma of Bergamot, each oil is chosen for its unique benefits.

We meticulously blend essential oils to create unique aromas that cater to various aspects of well-being.

Our commitment to quality ensures each product contributes to a holistic sense of balance and joy.




Essential oils are not just fragrant compounds; they are nature's potent allies in promoting physical, emotional, and mental health.

By understanding their extraction methods, inhalation benefits, and the distinctive qualities of specific oils, we unlock the secrets of their transformative power.

This is why we would never ever use synthetic fragrance oils. Not only they montane substances that can be harmful to our health, they also offer no benefits and are created in a lab rather than by nature itself.

So, embrace the aromatic journey, let the scents of essential oils envelop you, and experience the magic they bring to your holistic wellbeing. 


Moon Alchemy


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